Welcome to the Gilchrist County Republican Executive Committee
Dear Republican,
Welcome to the Republican Party of Gilchrist County. We need to remember why we are Republicans and what we stand for. We are Republicans for a reason, and I believe we need to go back and read our platform and live by it. We do not need to tell people who we are, but show them by the way we live our lives. I recently heard a great Republican leader say, "It's not about winning, it's about being right."
I agree, it is not about being politically correct, it is about being right in the sight of GOD. Remember He is the final Judge.
The Republican platform best fits my lifestyle and the way I choose to live my life. We need to educate people about what we believe in and be examples to them. People should not have to ask what party we belong to, our lives should reflect it! We want to build the Republican Party in Gilchrist County because we believe it is the party that best promotes our values and convictions.
I would encourage every registered Republican voter to stand firm on the moral values on which the Republican Party has build its foundation. We as a party need to get back to those values. We will have opposition, we are guaranteed that, but by being right we will win.
I believe we live in the greatest nation in the world. I want to do everything in my power to keep it that way. Freedom is not free and it is worth fighting for.
Be Republican and be proud of it!
Tommy Langford
Our Leaders
Tommy Langford
State Committeeman
David Biddle
State Committeewoman
Betty Ramey
David Biddle
Recording Secretary
Joanne Thomas
Betty Ramey